Phone:+92(0)51 8444432
Whatsapp:+92310 7575444
Below you will find the current Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire. The deadline for completion is the end of the month.
Please put aside time to complete this survey as accurately and honestly as possible. It is a critical step in creating your personal development plan and enabling you to achieve success in your current role. This information will help the Organizational Development Team to deliver the best training to meet your specific needs.
Please rate your degree of knowledge/skill in each of the competencies sections below using a scale of 1-5 or N/A and the free text space to provide additional comments.
The results of this Training Needs Analysis are confidential and will only be shared with you, your direct manager and HR.
Team HR
Soft Law Firm
1 = No knowledge/skill
2 = A little knowledge/skill but considerable development required
3 = Some knowledge/skill but development required
4 = Good level of knowledge/skill displayed, with a little development required
5 = Fully knowledgeable/skilled – no/very little development required
N/A = This competency is not applicable to my job
I hereby confirm and certify that the information and attachments given herein are correct and accurate and that any subsequent changes would be duly communicated to Soft Law Firm by submission of a fresh form along with attachments.
+92 051 8444432